As both writer and activist, initially known as LeRoi Jones, Baraka’s was a unique if sometimes contentious voice, especially in his contributions to the black arts movement of the 1960’s. Always active across a broader front, he credited Ginsberg with helping him find his voice; Kerouac, Olson and O’Hara were among other mentor-friends. Baldwin advised the young poet to be true to himself. Hughes (a profound influence) said some harsh things about him, though with a father-figure’s compassion. Baraka wrote Roach’s biography, scrapped with Mingus, was delighted to find Coltrane had read him, and gave Simone house-room for several months.
Amiri Baraka
Amiri Baraka knew…
- Allen Ginsberg
- Robert Creeley
- Larry Rivers
- Joe Brainard
- Jack Kerouac
- Gregory Corso
- Diane di Prima
- Michael McClure
- Frank O'Hara
- Charles Olson
- John Coltrane
- James Baldwin
- Quincy Jones
- Jonas Mekas
- William Carlos Williams
- Langston Hughes
- Charles Mingus
- Max Roach
- George Balanchine
- James Rosenquist
- Denise Levertov
- Robert Duncan
- Archie Shepp
- Sun Ra
- Nina Simone
- Maya Angelou
- Toni Morrison