Joan Miró

1893 (Barcelona) – 1983 (Palma de Mallorca)

Miró met Picabia before leaving for Paris, visiting Picasso (to become a great friend) on arrival, and using Gargallo’s studio. Masson, a neighbour, introduced him to Leiris and others in the surrealist set; Breton declared him “the most surrealist of us all”, though he never officially joined the group. Hugnet, Prévert, Leiris, Breton, Tzara, Char, Crevel and Desnos were among poets he knew whose work he illustrated. He met Hemingway at a gym where both boxed, and sold him a painting. Arp and Ernst became neighbours when he moved again. Sert, a friend and fellow-Catalan, designed a studio and a gallery for him.