Joaquín Torres García

Joaquín Torres-García

1874 (Montevideo) – 1949 (Montevideo)

Picasso and Gonzalez were among the Els Quatre Gats bohemian set he was involved with in Barcelona (he had grown up nearby). He helped Gaudí with stained-glass windows in Palma and Barcelona. Huidobro wrote about him, and Miró visited him to show him his paintings. Picasso, Lipchitz, Arp and Mondrian were among his lasting acquaintances and friends; Van Doesburg became a great friend and collaborator; Hélion another collaborator. Varèse, Duchamp and Stella were among acquaintances when he moved to New York. He sent his children to study with his colleague Ozenfant. His legacy is in the flourishing of S. American constructivism.