Salvador Dalí

1904 (Figueres, Spain) – 1989 (Figueres)

Buñuel (a noted collaborator) and Lorca were fellow-students. Dalí’s reputation preceded his arrival in Paris, Miró alerting Picasso. Tzara, Breton, Magritte, Éluard and Aragon were met on his second visit. Éluard (and Magritte) went to stay with him in Spain, Éluard’s wife curing Dalí of his impotence (he said), staying on and marrying him. Dalí visited his hero Freud in London, who told him it wasn’t the unconscious but the conscious he sought in his works. Disney and Hitchcock both worked with him, though Hitchcock had little to do with the famous dream sequence. Breton anagrammatised him as ‘Avida Dollars.’