Amédée Ozenfant

1886 (Saint-Quentin, France) – 1966 (Cannes)

No longer thought of as an artist of major significance, Ozenfant should still be credited for the influence of his writing, theorising and teaching. He started a magazine l’Élan with Jacob and Apollinaire (Picasso, Matisse, Gris were also associates), and founded an art-school with Léger (Exter and Laurencin among those teaching). Corbusier and he collaborated energetically, Corbusier also designing a house-cum-studio for him. His years living in Russia led to connections with Ehrenburg, Larionov and Goncharova, all contributors to l’Élan. He taught with Motherwell at Black Mountain College. Despite the myth, Roy Lichtenstein appears not to have studied with him.