André Derain

1880 (Chatou, France) – 1954 (Garches)

Matisse (a fellow-student) and Vlaminck (who shared a studio) were both close friends. Among the radical artists and poets of Montmartre, he was close to Apollinaire, Picasso, Salmon and Jacob; he illustrated Apollinaire’s and Jacob’s work and was drawn by Laurencin. Diaghilev commissioned ballet designs from him. Braque (another lasting friend) had a studio in the same building. Auric was close to him, Balthus regarded him as a father-figure, and Reverdy, Giacometti, Cendrars, Renoir, Poiret and Lifar were all welcome guests in his home. Vlaminck and he, having patched up a quarrel, were courted in Nazi Germany.