Trubetzkoi and Karcevskiy were fellow-founders of the Prague Linguistic Circle: other members included Mathesius, Benveniste, Wellek and Mukařovský. Hjelmslev was a colleague in Scandinavia at the start of WWII, and Halle a disciple when he moved to the U.S. Pasternak, Khlebnikov and Malevich had all been friends in Russian avant-garde circles; also Triolet, a continuing correspondent, and Mayakovsky, who told him mushroom-hunting was ideal for stimulating poetry. Lévi-Strauss (met in New York) and he had a profound influence on one another. He hid Shklovsky in his library to avoid arrest, and helped Chomsky get his first job.
Roman Jakobson
Roman Jakobson knew…
- Isaiah Berlin
- Viktor Shklovsky
- Boris Pasternak
- Elsa Triolet
- Edward Sapir
- Velimir Khlebnikov
- Émile Benveniste
- Willard Van Orman Quine
- Vladimir Mayakovsky
- Kasimir Malevich
- Meyer Schapiro
- Noam Chomsky
- Jacques Lacan
- Franz Boas
- Claude Lévi-Strauss
- Benjamin Lee Whorf
- Jan Mukařovský
- Leonard Bloomfield
- Louis Hjelmslev
- Morris Halle
- Nikolai Trubetzkoi
- René Wellek
- Sergei Karcevskiy
- Vilém Mathesius