Karlheinz Stockhausen

1928 (Mödrath, Germany) – 2007 (Kürten)

Stockhausen was one of the most influential composers of the generation following WWII. He studied with Martin in Germany, and (following a crucial meeting in Darmstadt with Goeyvaerts) with Milhaud, who disappointed him, and Messiaën in France (where he also met Boulez and Xenakis and worked in Schaeffer’s studio). He wrote to Hesse as a father-figure, credited Nono with setting him on course to be a composer, and assisted and succeeded Eimert. Paik, Kagel and Ligeti were fellow-members of the Köln avant-garde scene, while Cardew, Lachenmann, Volans, Young and Eötvös were among his many students.

Karlheinz Stockhausen knew…