Quine was one of the most significant philosophers of the later 20th C. Whitehead supervised his thesis, gave him his first taste of the incomparability of ‘live’ rather than ‘book’ philosophy, and introduced him to his early hero Russell. Further watershed meetings were with Carnap (Quine became his combative disciple and great friend), and Tarski (another great friend). Quine also met Leśniewski and Łukasiewicz in Warsaw, and Gödel and Schlick in Vienna (Wittgenstein never replied). He corresponded with Piaget, Church, Chomsky and Schrödinger, and described his friend Skinner and himself as Harvard’s Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Willard Van Orman Quine
Willard Van Orman Quine knew…
- Hilary Putnam
- Umberto Eco
- Roman Jakobson
- A. J. Ayer
- Bertrand Russell
- Rudolf Carnap
- Alfred Tarski
- A. N. Whitehead
- Donald Davidson
- David Lewis
- Daniel Dennett
- Nelson Goodman
- B. F. Skinner
- Kurt Gödel
- Moritz Schlick
- Stanislaw Leśniewski
- Jan Łukasiewicz
- Noam Chomsky
- Alonzo Church
- Jean Piaget
- Michael Polanyi
- Karl Popper
- Richard Rorty
- Gilbert Ryle
- Peter Strawson
- Martin Gardner
- Saul Kripke
- Jean van Heijenoort
- Erwin Schrödinger
- Raymond Smullyan
- Benjamin Lee Whorf