
Gaspard-Félix Tournachon

1820 (Paris) – 1910 (Paris)

Nadar and Verne were close friends, keen on aviation and a bohemian lifestyle. Gautier was a lifelong friend (publishing many of his photos), Doré another (Nadar collecting his work). He was close to the writers Vigny, Sand, Dumas, the Goncourts and Nerval, while the impressionists Monet, Sisley, Cézanne, Morisot, Degas and Pissarro rented his studio to hold their first exhibition. Chevreul met him many times, Baudelaire praised his vitality, and Murger died of syphilis in his arms. He helped out the blind Daumier, photographed his old friend Hugo on his death-bed, and in old age befriended Mistral in Marseille.